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Welcome to Sanguine!

Since "The Great PC Revival" has taken place I decided to go ahead and bring Sanguine back up, this is basically just going to serve as a portal to my crew and archive, but I may add up an about me too. XD

If you're here and have no idea why, I would abort now. ;) If you're still curious you should probably look into Petz, but even that may not save you.

Everything you will find on Sanguine is from Petz 4, just keep that in mind.
Oh, and YES, I AM using the same recycled layout for all three of my sites. Lol.

Featured in the banner is Moonshine, hexed by me.
Click on the banner to return to the home page at any time.

Sanguine was revived on June 13, 2017

Last Updated: June 13, 2017



Daiquiri // Sadie Hawkins

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